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What is an abortion?

What is an abortion?

What is an abortion?

What you need to know if you or someone you know are considering an abortion.

Real Stories

Real Stories

Sharing stories is at the heart of ending the stigma that women still feel when it comes to abortion.

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Selected videos for you to help you understand procedures, side effects, and risks.

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FAQ's about common questions and concerns regarding abortion.

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Need Support?

There is free help available if you are considering an abortion.

It’s common to feel many things all at once! Anger, sadness, and fear can all exist at one time. That may be confusing, but it’s also normal.

You may wish to consider contacting other organisations before deciding.

Quick Facts

There are certain facts about abortion and you should be aware of them no matter what your spiritual or political views.

Many women have an abortion without discussing the procedure with anyone. Before undergoing the procedure, become educated about the facts.

abortion has risks

like any medical procedure

the life of the baby

can never be regained

abortion ends
a generation
