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Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together a number of answers in their respective categories to the most asked questions on abortion.


  • In Malta, the life of the mother is always the priority – she is never in danger!

  • Also in June 2022, Professor George Gregory Buttigieg (KM, MD, PhD, LRCP(End.), MRCS (Lond.), Ma (Melit), FRCOG, FRCPI, FRCP ED) said:
    • “Maltese law and medical precedent are absolutely clear: if a woman’s life is at risk from her pregnancy, then it is absolutely legal for her pregnancy to be ended by delivering the child, even if that child has a heartbeat, and even if the child will sadly pass away”.

  • Maltese doctors confirm that no woman will be denied a medical intervention during pregnancy. The high level of care provided to pregnant women by local health services confirms this.

Yes, there is a change, however, Abortion remains illegal in Malta.

A life-saving amendment passed through Parliament on Wednesday 28th June 2023. This amendment codifies into law what has been current medical practice and adds further safeguards for mothers and unborn babies. Doctors can administer life-saving treatment to pregnant women in danger of losing their lives whilst all is done, when possible, to also save the life of the unborn child. The mother’s life remains a priority and her life is always protected, even if unfortunately, the life of her baby cannot be saved. This does not constitute an abortion, but a life-saving procedure to save the life of the mother, that is always a priority in Malta.

Here are some points that provide further explanation of the law as at June 2023:
1. All the laws regarding abortion, harm to the unborn baby and the protection of embryo remain in place

2. The new law only applies to a pregnant mother who is in a very significant medical complication that, if left untreated, would likely lead to her death

3. In an emergency situation when a mother is dying, a doctor can act swiftly and confidently to save the life of the mother, even if that causes unfortunate harm or death of the unborn baby
4. In a non-emergency situation, a team of three doctors must ensure that all treatments that would save the mother and the baby have been exhausted, before proceeding to a necessary treatment to save the life of the mother, even though it could cause the unfortunate harm or death of the unborn baby
5. Further safeguards have been added including:
a) Non-emergency treatments must be in licenced hospital
b)The legal stipulation of what constitutes a medical team that can decide on such issues (3 doctors including specialists)
c) if an unborn baby has reached the age at which it could survive outside the womb of the mother, the action of the medical team will, if possible, be to deliver the baby early, as this is likely to be the best way to save the mother and the baby.
It is worth noting that Malta has one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world, due to the very high medical standards and practices.  This new legislation will build on that very high standard of protecting mothers and babies.
If you would like to watch a short interview of Dr Miriam Sciberras explaining the new law, please click here.